Welcome to our teaching garden!

Have you dreamed of being able to grow your own food and herbs? Would you like to break out of the “system” but just aren’t sure how? The My Raggedy Herbs farm is here to help!  Years ago, we realized that we didn’t want to continue eating what the traditional American diet was serving so we set out to grow our own and it changed our lives!

Join us as we share with you our garden produce, farm fresh eggs, herbal teas and preparations and goodies from our kitchen. Let us encourage you on how to build your own backyard kitchen garden and begin to take control of your health and life.

Some of my favorite things!

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Hope in Action

Spring is here! It’s finally here! Trees are bursting with blossoms; perennial plants are reemerging, and everywhere you look things are starting to “green up.” Plant lovers are shopping, and gardeners are itching to get their hands in the dirt. Nurseries are bursting...

The Perfect Time, The Exact Time

If you eat, you have surely noticed that the price of food continues to increase. The price is going up, but the quality seems to be going down. While walking the aisles squeezing and smelling produce, the thought crosses your mind, “Will this ever improve?” I have...

Dirty Work

Gardening is dirty work. After all, your workspace is literally . . . dirt. For many, getting their hands dirty is what compels them to the work. The satisfaction derived from connecting to the soil is second to none. We always find it amusing that, when we bust new...

Not the Only One Working

Have you noticed that the weather is starting to change? I feel it most in the mornings when I’m leaving for work. Summer isn’t completely gone because the days are still getting quite warm, but in the mornings there’s a crispness in the air that’s energizing. The...

Works with Her Hands in Delight

This is the time of year when many gardeners are wearing down. The heat has taken the starch right out of them. They are tired of fighting squash bugs, trying to give away overgrown zucchini, pulling weeds and paying high water bills. Their gardens are on the decline....

Latest Podcast Episodes

Peas and Possibilities

This year for Christmas, my husband gave me the gift of time. He got me a pea sheller! I’m not talking about some little gadget that sits on your tabletop and you run a...

There is Only So Much Man Can Do

Once I discovered my passion for herbs and gardening, I have never looked back!  For the past 23 years, I have been actively learning, practicing and living with a book (or...

Scatter Freely

A week ago, in our garden, we were pulling carrots. They are always a fun vegetable to harvest! We plant a lot of different crops and many of them are somewhat uneventful to...

The Reminder Right Outside Your Window

As our gardens lay under snowy blankets, much life still exists above in the trees. Deciduous trees have lost their leaves, but the rich colors of evergreens use this time...

Plan then Rest

The Thanksgiving meal is behind us, and Christmas is just a few short weeks before us. As the long stretch of winter is setting in, I like to use this time to begin planning...